Wednesday, May 26

Day 2

Today was even busier that yesterday!  I got up about 10 in the morning (felt like I still hadn't gotten nearly enough sleep), had breakfast (more rolls, cold cuts, preserves, juice, etc - amazingly delicious), and then met Timo at his school at 11:30.  I met him there, wanting to see what a german school looked like.  Turns out, they're really not that different.  The main difference is the physical footprint in the ground of the school is smaller (not as much lateral space in a big city), so the school is 5 stories high.  Below is a pic of one of the hallways.

After a quick tour of the school, Timo and I met up with his brother quickly, and then met up later with another friend Julian.  We ended up heading down one of the bigger roads in one of the shopping districts, and checked out things in a few stores.  Before too long we stopped and got a Currywurst (sausage with curry seasoning and a thick tomato sauce on top - a traditional Berlin food).  It was actually quite good...I'll have a have a few more while I'm here.

After that, we ended up heading to Julian's house and hung out there for a couple hours.  I discovered how bad I truly am at Foosball after loosing several games in a row.  Before too long it was dinner time, so we headed over to a Biergarten near the zoo and had pizza.  Soon after we walked over to Ku'damm with a few other friends for icecream.

It was quite a long day, covered several miles - and I'm still getting over jet lag.  But the apartment is really comfortable, and it looks like it's going to be a pretty amazing summer.