Monday, June 28

Day 35

Today I confirmed with my friends Matt (from high school) and Valerie (from Rice) are coming to visit over this soming forth of july weekend!  I'm pretty excited about having them here.  Matt is supposed to arrive thursday night via train from Karlsruhe (where he's working this summer), and Valerie is flying in Friday from London.

I spent most of the day cleaning up the apartment a bit, as well as trying to figure out some stuff we could do over the weekend.  Later in the afternoon I headed over to Potsdamer platz and hung out for a while (mostly just chilled enjoying the breeze and shade) and read more of my book.  I'm almost done with Stones into Schools now.  My next book will be The Languages of Japan by one of my professors next semester Matt Shibatani (basically it's my way of getting caught up in a class where I'm supposed to have 2 years of japanese already before taking...).  The professor already told me I'd be fine taking the class - which btw. is called "Structure of Japanese", which covers the grammatical structure and other aspects of modern Japanese, however it's not actually a japanese language class, it just covers aspects of its grammar from a structural point of view - but it might help if I read the textbook over summer before the class starts.  Hence, it's my next book.

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