Sunday, June 13

Day 20

Wow, 20 days here already!  Definitely doesn't feel like it's been that long.

Today was a bit cooler even than yesterday, in the mid 50's...nevertheless needed the jacket again.

I didn't go out as much as yesterday.  I did go out at one point to check out a street fair that was going on a couple of blocks north of my apartment.  That was quite fun.  There were a lot of vendors and food, not to mention 5 live acts going on simultaneously (albeit not at the same location - they were spread out over several blocks).

After that I came back to the apartment, got caught up on this blog, and then went upstairs to the Thiermeiers to have dinner.

I was a little later coming than usual, so I ended up having a frozen pizza for dinner (amazingly, even the frozen food tastes better here) with a glass of red wine (a Rioja from Spain).  All quite enjoyable.

While eating dinner we watched the Germany vs. Australia game, which germany won (!) (part of the World Cup going on right now).  When germany won, one of the neighbors set off fireworks even!

This should be fun watching the World Cup here...especially since we're already winning!

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