Monday, June 14

Day 21

Today was relatively uneventful, save for a fun incident this morning with my cell phone.  I am using now a german cell phone, and the charger I had for it wasn't working.  I changed out the SIM card and put it in the other cell phone that I brought (not knowing if I'd be able to find a working charger), which worked as a backup until I got another charger.  Luckily the Thiermeiers had one that worked, so that was all good.  However, when I put the SIM card back into the german cell phone, it didn't want to connect to the network (it just said "offline")... I looked through all of the menus to try to find something about getting it to reconnect, but to no avail.  Finally after restarting it a few times and messing with the options, I got it to work.  That was a relief.

Some of the time while I'm here in germany, I plan to travel around some (not just spend the entire time in berlin).  The time has come for the first of these little side trips: Groningen, Netherlands.

Well, not quite...I don't actually leave for another week, but I did buy my train tickets today!  I'm going to be taking the train early sunday from berlin, and will arrive in Groningen about 4:30 in the afternoon.  The price itself roundtrip was actually rather affordable as well, only about 90 euros (normally tickets are about 200 euros, but there was a special discount for whatever reason).

I'm going to Groningen to meet my uncle, who is there for a conference.  He'll be busy most of the time, but at least that gives me a base of operations to explore the city, and possibly to elsewhere (amsterdam is only 2 hours away, etc).  I'll be there for three days total.

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